***Warning...some of this is gross***
Yesterday my dad had surgery to place a port (drain) in his head to drain the subdural hematoma that had developed. Also while they were in there they placed an IVC filter in a major vein so that if the blood clot in his leg were to break loose this filter will hopefully stop it from getting to the lungs, heart or brain.
Gigi and I stopped up quick last night to say Happy Birthday to him and he didn't say much, but was happy to see her.
Today...today is another challenging day. After surgery yesterday, the neurosurgeon said things like, "In the worst case scenario" and "there is tiny chance of..." and all of things came true. This was also the surgeon that originally told us that the tumor was likely benign with a "slight chance of malignancy." Ummm...hello brain cancer. So I don't trust the doctor when he says worst case scenario because that WILL happen.
Today he had another surgery to go in and remove the 'flap' that they originally cut out when they were operating on the tumor. Flap is a prettier word than saying "removing a piece of skull. FOREVER." So they went in and took this flap out and used liters of fluid to clean out the infection that had set in in his brain. The bone was not damaged greatly by the infection which is a good sign. They also removed a minimal amount of infected/dead tissue from the infection and also his radiation treatments. Before closing him back up they placed a membrane between his brain and his skin so that when (or if my dad chooses) they go back in they can put a piece of medical mesh over the void in his skull. This would be done in 6 months. He could also choose to just have a permanent soft spot on his head, much like a newborn baby.
After surgery, he returned to the Acute Neuro floor (and NOT the ICU - YAY for small things!). I was not there when he returned (because Gigi is HOME from a week with her Daddy. I'm so glad to have her home :) ) but my mom said he is talking but not making much sense because of all the fun drugs they gave him for surgery and for pain.
With my non-sleeping issues of late I'm a bit jealous of those drugs. LOL.
So...now they will hopefully remove the port (drain) tomorrow which is a simple procedure in the hospital room and then he will be a prisoner there at least through the weekend - given that he has a big gaping HOLE in his head. He was a bit ornery before surgery today - I think he is as frustrated as the rest of us that the worst case scenario keeps happening to him!! They are also going to slowly wean him off the steroids as those affect the immune system and the healing process. It's a delicate balance of needing the steroids to help with swelling and being off of them to heal and feel better.
As soon as blood cultures are back the infectious disease specialist will place a PICC line and that will make it much easier to get anything in (or blood out for their million times a day blood draw) like antibiotics. He is getting so used to the name/birthday drill that last night my aunt walked up to him to say hello and he immediately started rattling off "6/29/47" and then realized who she was. But they do that to make sure that all the right stuff is being given to or done to him so that's comforting.
All of my family appreciates all of the prayers and thoughts that are being sent our way. We have an army of prayer warriors and at this point, faith is going to get us through. Thank you all and I love you!!!
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